Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Catwalk!

Is your cat going crazy? Maybe he'd like to go outside. My cat likes to go out, so I trained him to walk on a leash. I'd like to thank the horses - I applied what I know about them to this process. For example, great things can't be forced. You need the right timing and understanding of your animal. Each animal is different.

First, you want to get Kitty comfortable with the collar or harness. Since you are never going to be pulling on the leash or harness, you won't pull on his neck should you use a collar. A harness is obviously the superior choice, but because you have good hands (right?) you won't pull on his neck when he wears a collar. You are always ready to give a release.

First, try walking Kitty in the house. Remember two rules: 1) Keep slack in the leash at all times and 2) You go where Kitty goes.

As you keep slack in the leash at all times, you let the cat walk you. If you are walking him outside and your session is done, pick him up to take him inside. My cat usually walks to the front door when he wants back in, so I don't end up doing this.

Because my cat is large, I'm able to walk him on a lunge line. Due to the length, I can always feed out more length to him. As we reach the perimeter of the yard, I get closer to him and pick him up before he goes too far. My cat will tolerate my "sponging" the line to give him the aid to stop, but that's a post for another day.

Treats can be used to reinforce good behavior. You could even plant catnip or catmint outside for your cat to visit. They will probably drag you over to it!

I'm not a professional trainer or vet; this is just my experience. Please use common sense and if you feel your cat is freaking out, dial it back. This isn't for every cat. My anxious Siamese noped the hell out of it. But was she the one yowling at the door to begin with? Haha, no.

If you try walking your cat, let me know how it works for you!


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